LiveGood Business Opportunity Review: Is LiveGood Legit?

Checking out LiveGood reviews to see if this is a legit business opportunity or possibly a scam?

You’ve come to the right place. I’m going to give you an honest in-depth review of everything in LiveGood so you can make an informed decision as to whether it’s right for you.

What Is LiveGood?

LiveGood is a Wholesale Shopping Club where members can buy highly discounted products by paying a $9.95 monthly membership fee. They’re starting with health supplements but will eventually have a wide range of products and services. Members can also become affiliates and earn a residual income by referring new members to the club.

This is a great opportunity for those looking to start a home business or an online business.

Their mission statement is: To Help People Get Healthy, And Stay Healthy Without Having To Spend A Fortune To Do It.

When Did LiveGood Launch?

LiveGood officially launched on December 13th, 2022 and since then have grown by leaps and bounds in terms of their membership. They have gained more than one million members in less than 13 months (as of January 2024).

Every week, thousands of people from around the world join LiveGood (as can be seen from the rank recognition numbers given out during their weekly Rank Recognition and Training Zoom.

No company in the network marketing industry has ever seen such incredible growth.

Click Here to Take the LiveGood FREE Tour

The LiveGood Team

There are 4 people on the management team of LiveGood. The following information is summarized from the official LiveGood site:

Ben Glinsky: CEO

Ben Glinsky: CEO
  • Has 20 years of experience owning and running some of the most successful companies in the Nutritional Supplement industry

“People NEED nutritional supplements to be healthy. Unfortunately, most people just can’t afford them. On top of that, it’s very difficult for many people to sell expensive products to friends just so a few people at the top of a compensation program can make money. Now, people can get the products they need at prices they can afford, and can be proud to share them with friends.”

Ryan Goodkin: Director of Product Development

Ryan Goodkin: Director of Product Development
  • Has a Doctorate in Pharmacy from Palm Beach Atlantic University.
  • Has a Degree in Science and Nutrition from Florida State University.
  • Recommends the products he believes are best for his patients.
  • Has hand formulated each and every one of the LiveGood products utilizing only the highest quality ingredients harvested from the purest sources around the globe.

“I don’t create products to sell. I create products to USE, and for my family to use. There is no way I am going to let my family put something in their body that I don’t trust 100%. That’s why I started LiveGood. I formulated every product. I know exactly what is in them. And I would not go a day without them!”

Lisa Goodkin: Director of Product Education

Lisa Goodkin: Director of Product Education
  • Has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology.
  • Has a degree in Science and Nutrition.
  • Over 20 years’ experience in the health and wellness industry.
  • Knows what works and doesn’t work for people of all levels of health and fitness.

Nauder Khazan: Director of Network Marketing

Nauder Khazan: Director of Network Marketing
  • Since 1998, has been a top leader, income earner, coach, trainer, consultant, and company owner for some of the most successful companies in the network marketing industry.
  • Donates thousands of hours every year to ministry and to helping underprivileged kids and families create a better life for themselves.

Livegood Products

LiveGood high-quality nutritional supplements

Livegood offers a wide range of high-quality health and wellness products that include:

  • Multi-vitamins
  • Protein shakes
  • CBD oils
  • Anti-aging products
  • Organic coffee

LiveGood Compensation Plan

The LiveGood compensation plan enables affiliates to generate a lucrative income by referring people to join LiveGood as either membersaffiliates, or retail customers.

There are 7 ways to earn income as a LiveGood affiliate:

  1. Weekly Fast Start Commissions
  2. Matrix Commissions
  3. Matching Bonuses
  4. Retail Commissions
  5. Customer Acquisition Bonuses
  6. Influencer Bonuses
  7. Diamond/ Crown Diamond Bonus Pool

It’s technically possible to earn up to $2,047.50 per month without ever enrolling a single person (purely from spillover).

However, if you just wait for this you’ll be waiting a long time. The better way is to be active in the business, and start getting results.

Click Here to Take the LiveGood FREE Tour

Why Are So Many People Joining LiveGood?

People Are More Health Conscious

After the world went through the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, people are now very concerned about healthy living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Cost Of Living Is Going Up

With rising inflation and increasing living costs, people are looking for ways to save money on their expenses.

Affordable Membership and Products

LiveGood allows people to save up to 75% or more on many nutritional supplements (of similar quality) that they’re already buying from other stores.

Lucrative Compensation Plan

LiveGood’s compensation plan allows people to earn a generous income without needing to buy grossly overpriced products monthly.

Commitment towards Promoting Health and Wellness

Livegood’s commitment to promoting health and wellness has also contributed significantly to its online buzz.

In today’s society, where people are becoming increasingly conscious of their well-being, the company’s emphasis on providing products that support a healthy lifestyle has struck a chord with consumers.

My Personal Review of LiveGood

Full Disclosure: Yes, I am a LiveGood member. However, before I joined I was a bit skeptical and took some time to investigate this network marketing opportunity thoroughly.

This review is the result of my investigation. I will continue to update this review to keep up with any new developments.

You can also check out other LiveGood reviews to help you make a well-informed decision.

Watch my LiveGood journey.


  • The one-time fee of $40 for the affiliate membership is very reasonable.
  • Anyone can afford the monthly fee of $9.95.
  • No minimum monthly product purchase requirements.
  • They offer quality health products at truly low prices (wholesale pricing).
  • Shipping is fast for customers in the United States.
  • All products are covered by a 90-day “empty bottle” money-back guarantee.
  • Product prices aren’t inflated ridiculously just to pay out the compensation program.
  • Everyone on the management team is highly qualified and well-suited for their respective roles.
  • LiveGood is growing extremely fast.
  • They have opened a distribution center in Germany to ship the International Wellness Packs.


  • Since commissions are paid out from the membership fee, you need to build a bigger team. However, on the positive side, I’m seeing many leaders that have built massive teams with more than 95% member retention rate from month to month.
  • There aren’t that many products yet, but they are continuously adding new products. LiveGood’s vision is to have all kinds of products and services (not just health supplements).
  • All products are mainly shipped from the United States, so the shipping fee could be costly for international members. However, LiveGood is already working to open up new distribution centers in the Philippines, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Brazil and India soon.

Trustpilot Reviews

I checked out some of the negative reviews on LiveGood’s Trustpilot page.

Here are my findings and conclusions:

LiveGood is NOT a scam.

Issue: Some people complained that they didn’t get paid or didn’t receive products.

Finding: This must be some customer service issue or mix-up.

99.9% of members are getting products and getting paid commissions. There are lots of positive product reviews on their official Facebook Product Testimonials group.

LiveGood is NOT a pyramid scheme.

Issue: Some people are saying that LiveGood is a pyramid scheme.

Finding: These people are using the term “pyramid scheme” without even understanding what it really means.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, a pyramid scheme emphasizes member recruitment rather than product sales.

Some warning signs of a pyramid scheme are:

Promoters make extravagant promises about your earning potential.
LiveGood presents the entire compensation plan without making false promises.
Even the claim that “It’s possible to make up to $2,047 without sponsoring anyone” is true (given enough time for spillover to happen).

Promoters emphasize recruiting new distributors for your sales network as the real way to make money. There are no useful products.
LiveGood affiliates can also make money from retail customers that buy products at retail without becoming members, or from members that buy products at member price without becoming affiliates.

LiveGood has tangible high-quality products that are changing people’s lives.

Therefore, LiveGood is definitely NOT a pyramid scheme but a business opportunity with a unique business model.

My Conclusion

After thoroughly researching LiveGood, I can confidently say that I think they’re a breath of fresh air in the health and wellness network marketing industry and they couldn’t have launched at a better time.

For a long time, many network marketers had been pressured to sell overpriced products that they wouldn’t normally buy themselves (if not for the money-making opportunity).

Many companies also have high monthly product autoship requirements that are impossible for most members to keep up with, so they quit after a few months.

Usually, only a few people at the top are making money. The rest are either breaking even or losing money.

The high member turnover rate in the industry makes it very difficult to build a big team and a long-lasting business.

The dream that you could work hard for a few years to enjoy a comfortable residual income wasn’t happening for many people.

That’s why the LiveGood leaders decided to finally do something to change things for the better.

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1. Is the LiveGood company legit?

Yes, they are completely legit and conducting business in an ethical manner.

2. How does LiveGood work?

LiveGood is an MLM/ network marketing company that sells health supplements. You can save up to 75% or more by buying from LiveGood instead of from other companies. You can also earn income in 6 ways when you refer people to join LiveGood.

3. How many members are in LiveGood?

There are more than one million members already (as of January 2024). They are growing extremely fast.

4. How to register in LiveGood?

Follow the step-by-step instructions on this page to register in LiveGood.

5. Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, but you will lose your spot in the matrix and all existing downline members.

6. Can I purchase products without paying the monthly membership fee?

Yes, you’ll then be paying the retail price, which is still considered cheap compared to some other companies’ prices. You’ll need to become a member to get the best savings.

7. Is there a money-back guarantee if I’m not satisfied with the products?

Yes, LiveGood offers a 90-day “empty bottle” guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with any of the products for any reason, you can send back the unused portion or even the empty bottle for a full refund.

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