How to Register in LiveGood

Here’s how to register in LiveGood in just 2 easy steps. Please follow the instructions below carefully.

1. Pre-Enroll

If you haven’t pre-enrolled yet, click the “Register Now” button below to reserve your FREE position on the LiveGood Powerline.

How to register in LiveGood

You’ll see the official LiveGood free tour page that looks like this:

Pre-enroll in LiveGood

Watch the 6-minute video. Then fill in your First name, Last name and Email in the form and click the “Reserve My Position Now!” button.

2. Secure Your Position

After you’ve pre-enrolled, you’ll see many people pre-enrolling after you in the Powerline.

There is a “cut-off” every Thursday night at midnight EST, where the people that have locked in their positions by either upgrading as an affiliate or member are placed into the matrix in the first available positions following their enrollers.

With so many people upgrading every week, the sooner you secure your position, the sooner you’ll be able to benefit from the huge growth and momentum that LiveGood is experiencing.

Don’t miss out. Click the button below and enter the email address which you pre-enrolled with.

Secure your position in LiveGood

Next, you’ll see the screen below:

Lock in your position

Click the “Lock In Your Position” button. You’ll see a screen with 3 steps.

1: Create Account

Fill in your personal info – First name, last name, email address and phone number.

Create account

Next, choose a username and password. Follow the instructions to create them correctly.

User name and password

2: Select Your Membership

Then choose whether you want the monthly or yearly membership. You’ll save on 2 months’ fees when you go with the yearly.

Select your membership

3: Billing and Shipping Information

Enter your shipping information.

Shipping information

Next, select whether you want to pay by credit card or cryptocurrency.

If you choose the credit card option, enter your credit card details and billing address.

If you choose the cryptocurrency option, more details will be provided later.

Credit card info and billing address

Click the “Continue” button at the bottom of the screen to continue.

That’s it! Check your inbox for the Welcome email from LiveGood.